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Vendor: VS Technology

VS Technology's VL-CB-CL SERIES LEDs have a rectangular plate design, for higher lighting efficiency VL-CB series, suitable for use in vision equipment in factories and production lines require stable lighting.

Lighting performance is higher than VL-CB series

  • Parallel illumination for better image quality
  • Meets RoHS . standards

On the left is a photo taken using the light source VL-CB-CL SERIES

The right side uses the light source VL-CB

Số lượng

Các phiên bản và thông số


VersionColorDimensions of vertical illumination (mm)Dimensions of horizontal illumination (mm)My maximum power consumption
VL-CB0909R-CLĐỏ909024V / 5.2 W
VL-CB0909W-CLTrắng909024V / 8.0 W
VL-CB0909B-CLLam909024V / 8.2 W
VL-CB0909G-CLXanh lá909024V / 10.0 W
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