– Used in processing round parts that need to be divided into equal parts such as gears, hole discs, etc.
– The graduated head can be graduated in a direct, indirect or gear way. The ratio between gear and screw is: 40:1.
– The spindle is heat-treated and polished, held firmly by tapered roller bearings. The gears are also hardened and ground.
– The split head can be fixed at a precise -10° to 90° angle on the base with a split (1°).
– All models have a 24-hole flange for direct graduation. Fast direct division is possible with the number of equal divisions: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24.
– Simple division with the number of divisions from 2 to 50. And the majority with the number of divisors from 52 to 380 (Cannot divide 51, 57, 67,… equal parts).
– Model BS-2 only has a replacement gear system. It is all gradeable with division numbers from 2 to 380 and uses torsion (tilt gear) machining.
– With each equal division, there will be an accompanying plate selection guide.
– Very high precision, small clearance, strong appearance and sturdy construction, thus ensuring gentle rotation.
- Accessories included: 1 set of hole discs (3 discs); 1 clamping speed; 1 anti-death arrow; 1 center stand. Particularly BS-2 has an additional set of replacement gears.
– If you want to buy a graduated head with a chuck, choose the following models:
+. BS-0-J-5: is a BS-0 with a 5” chuck attached.
+. BS-1-J-6: is a BS-1 with a 6" chuck attached.
+. BS-2-J-6: is a BS-2 with a 6" chuck attached.
+. BS-2-J-8: is a BS-2 with an 8" chuck attached.
+. BS-2A-J-6: is a BS-2A with a 6" chuck attached.
+. BS-2A-J-8: is a BS-2A with an additional 8" chuck.