Giỏ hàng


Vendor: Khác

Made in Japan
Packing: 6 liters/can

Application: KC-12 detergent is used to clean the surface of products after machining on wire cutting machines or electric spark pulse machines.


- Wear rubber gloves or protective equipment when using KC-12.

- For industrial chemicals, depending on shipping conditions and policies of delivery units, the goods may arrive later than expected, in order to ensure the safety of goods and people. .

Số lượng


+) Mix KC-12 with water to obtain a cleaning solution so that KC-12 accounts for 20% to 30% (depending on the rust of the product surface, this ratio can be increased).

+) Dip the product into the cleaning solution (5 -10 minutes) and use an iron brush to scrub the surface of the product.
It is possible to speed up the cleaning reaction, by increasing the KC12 ratio, bringing the environment to a high temperature (below 40 °C) or using an ultrasonic cleaner.

+) Quickly clean with water &/or neutralizer (Mecha Hibitor #325)

+ ) Dry the product with clean air and/or blower.

kc12- quy trinh su dung

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